Thursday, January 28, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

someone has got a beef, with beef.

Found in last week's MIRROR...

"M: Who eats MEAT STICKS? You see them everywhere, every store, every depanneur, right on the counter as if it’s this normal thing that everybody eats. Except you’ve never seen anybody put this in their mouth! Think of it—meat sticks. And the other thing is all these weird tobacco products you can find at the smallest hole-in-the-wall depanneur. Chewing tobacco, OBSCURE cigarettes, snuff—nobody uses these either. What’s up? [BLEEP!]"

what a d-bag.

this cat hates you.

this bear fucking hates you, he's gonna make a t-shirt.

this man hates you so much he bought 4.

this guy hates your face, he doesn't even care about greasy fingers.
this EMPTY slim jim bag is empty, because someone ate all the fucking beefsticks.

this guy straight up ranted you back...
M: " People still totally do eat BEEF-STICKS, I’m eating a beef-stick right now! They’re awesome. So I don’t know what that guy was talking about. [BLEEP!]"

Don't show your face around these parts no mo'.